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Start Your Adoption Journey Here

Silky Sato's Mission

Our mission is clear:

Rescue stray dogs, especially females and puppies, provide them with loving homes.

Combat backyard breeding of street dogs for profit.

Implement Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) programs to prevent future unwanted pregnancies in feral dogs.

Learn More
  • Your Canine Consultation:

    Tell us about your ideal furry sidekick – age, size, personality quirks, you name it. Are you looking for a couch potato or a jogging buddy? A four-legged comedian or a seasoned cuddle expert?

  • Tail Wagging Search:

    Armed with your wishlist, our team of expert pooch matchmakers scours the shelters, rescues, and doggy havens to find your pawfect match. Think of it as a canine treasure hunt, but with fewer maps and more wagging tails.

  • Furry Fashion Show:

    Once we've lined up potential candidates, get ready for the virtual doggy fashion show! We'll send you profiles, photos, and maybe even a video or two, showcasing the unique charm and flair of each contender.

  • Meet Your Match:

    After the virtual swooning, it's time to meet your potential fur-ever friend live, virtually, or in person. We'll arrange playdates, cuddle sessions, and maybe even a treat or two to seal the deal.

  • Happily Ever After:

    Once you've found your furry soul mate, we'll handle all the logistics – from paperwork to making sure your new friend arrives at their new home with tails wagging.

  • 20 Adopted Dogs

    We've privately adopted 20 pups and are now living their lives in love filled homes.

  • 65 Female Dogs Spayed

    We've helped spayed female dogs to prevent unwanted pregan

  • 300+ Pups and Moms

    We've fostered, shipped and adopted out 300+ Puerto Rican pups and moms.

"You can't change a dog's past, but you can rewrite the future."

- Agnes Carass

Why Choose a Silky Sato?

Choosing a Silky Sato over a pure breed is like opting for a customized masterpiece over a mass-produced print. While pure bred “puppies of the moment” are undeniably cute, they often come with a predictable look, a hefty price tag, and sadly, many health issues. Silky Satos, on the other paw, are practically self-maintaining. Forget about special diets and an abundance of expensive trips to the vet. Silky Satos thrive on the diet of champions, which includes everything from crumbs on the floor to the occasional bug. They come from the streets, and don’t have the “sensitivity issues” that many pure breeds are saddled with. Their health mantra: "If it fits in my mouth, it's probably good for me!"They are a canvas of uniqueness – each one a personalized expression of charm and character.

Why settle for an expensive cookie-cutter canine when you can have a Silky Sato that truly represents you? These furry companions offer a diverse blend of traits, ensuring that your dog isn't just a pet but a reflection of your individuality. Break away from the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary – because life is too short for a dog that looks like everyone else's.

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